Our Mission...

In the hopes and dreams of parents we find our work--
offering a hand in partnership to
families who have children with emotional or behavioral challenges--
That self-doubt give way to uncovered strengths,
Despair be replaced with hope,
And the once-diminishing dreams for their children's success will blossom anew.
Our Vision...
In the eyes of the community, Families First will be synonymous with integrity, exemplary service, and a compassionate approach. In the eyes of families, Families First will be a trusted partner offering hope and bolstering stamina on parents' journeys toward improved emotional/behavioral health for their children.
It's simple. We want to make our community a better place through education and the enlisting of our citizens to bring services to families in need. We accomplish our mission through our core values. We have been a vital part of our community since 1992. We were founded to serve a growing segment of our community in need of unavailable services. We have continued to grow with the help of our donors and volunteers that make our mission possible. Through all these years our purpose still remains the same: bring services to families in need.