Parents making connections.
We offer a wide range of programs and services to meet the needs of families who have children with physical and behavioral health concerns. We help them by providing programs, information and resources to assist in their journey. We also help by raising awareness through public outreach and media.
Families First Programs
Provides a Family Peer Advocate to meet with parents in their homes to coach and support parents to become more knowledgeable about their child's issues, become a better advocate for their child, and discover what parenting techniques work best with their child. This Family Peer Advocate is a credentialed professional who has lived experience to better understand the parents needs and feelings. Click on the individual program heading to learn more about eligibility.
Family Support Services
Available to all families:
- Food shelf
- Social activities for youth and families
- Holiday Drives
Available to families who have children with emotional or behavioral challenges:
- One on one support from credentialed Family Peer Advocates
- Skill building/educational opportunities
- Advocacy
Provides a care manager to work with the child and family to oversee the entire range of a child's health needs. The care manager will partner with the family to develop a plan of care and coordinate with all other providers to ensure that a child remains healthy. Click on the individual program heading to learn more about eligibility.
Health Home Care Management
Open to families who have a child with a qualifying behavioral health diagnosis, or two or more qualifying health conditions, or a diagnosis of complex trauma. Generally, the family's needs require the assistance of more than one service provider. A care manager helps coordinate all services, partners with the family to develop a comprehensive plan of care and coordinates the implementation of the plan.
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) are designed to offer support and services to children in non-institutionalized settings that enable them to remain at home and in the community. HCBS provides a family-driven, youth guided, culturally and linguistically appropriate system of care which accounts for the strengths, preferences, and needs, as well as the desired outcome of the individual. Services are individualized to meet the health, developmental and/or behavioral health needs of each youth.
HCBS are intended to be provided to a child and family in their home and/or the community. The array of services is intended to assist children in being successful at home, in school, and in their other natural environments to help maintain them in their community and avoid higher levels of care and out of home placements. Click on the individual program heading to learn more about eligibility.
Home and Community Based Services
Children and youth seeking HCBS must be under 21 years old and eligible for Medicaid. They must also meet 1.) target criteria 2.) risk factors 3.) functional criteria.
The services include:
- Caregiver/Family Advocacy Supports and Services
- Prevocational Services
- Supported Employment Services
- Respite Services
Children and Family Treatment and Support Services (CFTSS) are intended to better meet children's needs, expand access to clinical treatment services, and provide a greater array of approaches for rehabilitative interventions. This includes Youth Peer Support and Training. Any child who is Medicaid eligible and is identified as having a health or behavioral health need can access services with greater flexibility and choice. Click on the individual program heading to learn more about eligibility and individual services.
Children and Family Treatment and Support Services
These services include:
- Therapy services (evaluation, assessment, and counseling)
- Rehabilitation services (Psychosocial rehabilitation and Community Psychiatric Treatment and Support)
- Family and Youth Peer Support Services (provided by a credentialed peer with lived experience)
If you are a parent seeking services, please call us to initiate the process. If you know a parent that could use our help, please encourage him or her to call us at (518) 873-9544.